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Jul 30, 2024

Looking back on the year: the APJ supported 259 students!

The academic year has come to an end (or almost) for our students around the world, supported by the APJ. This summer period is the perfect time to take stock:


The Association Philippe Jabre supported 259 young Lebanese, including 150 students enrolled in universities abroad and 109 in Lebanon.


Education is a priority for the APJ, and our mission is essential in enabling young people to pursue their studies, learn, build their future, and contribute positively to our society.


Every year, we support Lebanese students in their university studies at prestigious institutions.


Since our founding in 2001, we are proud to have supported 2,741 Lebanese students. Together, let’s continue investing in education and making a real difference in the lives of young people.


Congratulations to all the students who have successfully completed their year! APJ wishes you a wonderful summer!


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May 07, 2024

Supporting Lebanon's youth and future with the Université Saint-Joseph de Beyrouth and the APJ

Youth represents the future of Lebanon. They carry the hopes and aspirations of our country towards a better future.


It was with deep conviction that Philippe Jabre, guest of honor and ambassador of the Université Saint-Joseph de Beyrouth (USJ), attended the USJ alumni dinner on April 5, 2024 in Paris.


The aim of the event is to raise funds to help young people continue their studies. Proudly wearing the colors of his beloved alma mater, Philippe Jabre gave a hopeful speech on the importance of maintaining academic excellence. The Philippe Jabre Association has been supporting education and health in Lebanon for over 20 years. Thanks to its continued commitment, more than 3,000 students benefit from financial support every year, including over 900 currently enrolled at USJ.


Today, the USJ is a leading educational institution in Lebanon, forming the bright minds who will shape Lebanon's future. APJ is proud to contribute to the mission and development of the university.


YouTube Link to Philippe Jabre's speech

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Mar 08, 2024

A closer look at: arcenciel

In this short video we take a closer at the Lebanese NGO arcenciel, what they do and whom they help.

Since it was created in 1985, arcenciel’s mission in Lebanon has been to promote diversity, integration and development through 5 core programs that cover: Agriculture & Environment, Mobility & Health, Responsible Tourism, Youth Empowerment, and Social Support.

With the APJ’s support, in 2021 arcenciel helped 769 students go to school, versus 300-400 students in 2019-2020. This has been due to a dramatic growth in demand for financial aid as the Lebanese people face increasing challenges.

In 2020, we spoke with arcenciel’s director general, Robin Richa, about their work as well as his hopes for the future. You can read his interview here.

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